
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

When Life Happens (or Ostrich vs Squirrel)

Life Happens.

That is the lesson for today. It is one I am continually trying to learn. I have a special mix of type A perfectionism/OCD that sometimes makes me less flexible than I'd like to be. This blog being the example du jour. I was working on developing a pattern that partly by chance and partly by design resulted in my blogging every day except Tuesday and Saturday. Monday's were the "WHOLE Pursuit" blogs, Fridays were "Factoids" and Sundays were a weekly wrap up.

This past Sunday was Easter, spent with my family for the whole day. I could have stepped away from everyone to blog, but I didn't want to. I don't get to spend nearly as much time with them as I'd like so I wasn't going to spend the time I did have blogging.

Yesterday was a little busy, and my venture into homemade french fries was a little more time consuming than normal, so I didn't get around to it.

What I wanted to do was put up a quick note here saying that I was busy this week and would resume normal blogging on Sunday. I am busy this week, but my real desire to 'take a break' was because I'd broken routine. I didn't do my Sunday/Monday installments so I couldn't just pick it up mid-week! For those that may have followed my old blog, you know this isn't a new issue for me.

But I/we can learn from this. When life gets in the way we can become an ostrich. Stick our head in the sand and wait for the tough times to pass. We can wait and hope that next time things will be better. We can ignore our own accountability and blame the outside forces.

Or we can be a squirrel. Those suckers just don't give up! They can fall off the same feeder day after day after day. They still come back and try again. And even once they've mastered the system, they might still fall one day. They just go back to start and try again. I don't think any of us can imagine a squirrel saying "I'll wait until next week".

Today I resolve to not let Life get in the way of action. I vow to accomplish as much as I can despite the day of the week or what happened yesterday. Today, I will be a squirrel.

In Pursuit,


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