Today I am pleased to introduce to the world...Ness!
As seen on the tag line of my blog, Ness is the name for the tri-fecta of fitness, wellness, and happiness. And while I'm sure you are all thinking how terribly clever I am, let me tell you that this name was NOT easy to come by. Now you might be thinking that it is a little strange that I spent more than a minute or two coming up with a blog name. After all, it's just the title right?
Well, with the start of this blog, I plan to start a movement. The Pursuit of Ness won't only be mine, but my mission to give to others. In a nutshell, I am starting on a path with the end not clear, but I do know a few of the checkpoints:
1) Become a personal trainer--I ordered my study materials yesterday!
2)Blog on topics that will help find Ness. ie, recipes, fitness tips, motivational pieces, etc.--Here is the first post!
3) Begin mission of finding Ness at work--details here are unclear, but I want it to be the next step once I feel I have the tools to effectively help others
4) Follow the path that opens up from steps 1-3.
I hope you will all bear with me on this journey; it is sure to be fun, but full of missed steps along the way. But in the end I hope we all can find Ness!
I love it!!!! I want to get my "ness" on, too!! <3