
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Find Your Happy Place

It is April 20th, 35 degrees outside, cloudy, chance of rain and/or snow, and a forecast that tells me things aren't going to get much better anytime soon. It is time to go to my Happy Place.

This past weekend, the wonderfulness that is Lululemon, sponsored TWO classes at their studio. There was the 9a.m. yoga per usual, but there was also an additional class at 8a.m. taught by Shannon of Squeeze. A few years back, I worked with Shannon while she was opening her first studio. She gave me some great workouts and tips, some of which I credit for my own success in weight loss and fitness. I took the chance to re-connect with her, knowing that she'd be a great resource as I begin my own journey into the trainer world. This is how I found out that she'd be doing a kettlebell class at Lulu, and I knew I would be in for an awesome workout. I was not disappointed.

As Shannon worked us through a circuit of various moves, each more brutal than the last, I kept my eyes on Shannon's fellow Squeeze trainer, Karen. It is always pleasant when you have a reference point close by, especially when trying something new. But the best part about Karen is that she talked me through a particularly tough ab section. As I struggled, wondering when the timer would give out it's blessed beep, she kept on encouraging me to push through, hold on, and do it. But my true moment of clarity was when she said-"Go to your happy place!". Here I am, sweaty, tired, and struggling, and yet when she said "go to your happy place", the first thought that popped in my head was "THIS is my happy place". The shocking realization that I was EXACTLY where I wanted to be, pain and all, got me through the move, and the rest of the class.

This moment has been sticking with me ever since. I know people think that my enjoyment in exercise makes me a little kooky. I know 'pain' isn't fun for most people. But I do think that we all need to be able to find our own Happy Place. Maybe you are lucky enough to already know what it is. Perhaps it will hit you out of the blue, like it did for me.

And maybe you know what you want your happy place to be, but don't think you have it yet. After all, we all believe that if we can just do A, B and C will fall into place and we will finally be who we want to be. We need to stop that mentality. We need to find today's Happy Place. We need a spot, a thought, a technique that we can turn to when the rest of life (or in my situation, Mother Nature) starts to beat us down. We need our touch point to lead us through to the other side.

Start to pay attention to your happy moments. Take notice when you really feel at peace. If it is fixing a car, or drinking some wine by the fire, volunteering, or working out. Identify your happy place, and call it forward the next time it is 35 degrees on April 20th (or fill in your bad moment here).

In Pursuit,


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