
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I don't get injured. I don't stop running. But it has hurt enough to make me stop running. Twice.

My knee hurts and I have been physically unable to finish my attempt at an 18 miler and a 20 miler. There was pain, there were tears, and there was a definite unease about my marathon status.

Fortunately, Aurora has a sports medicine center that does free injury evaluations. And fortunately the PT thinks this is a result of weak hips. Unfortunately, there are only a few more weeks and it will take time to build up strength to fix this problem.

Fortunately I have enough innate stubbornness and built up endurance that I feel I can physically finish the marathon. Unfortunately, I don't know if I can physically finish the marathon.

This probably all sounds more serious than it actually is. And hopefully that is true. For now, I'll put in the miles that I can, do the exercises I've been given, and depend on that stubbornness to get me through.

In Pursuit,


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