
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Factoids April 15

Today's factoids come from ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer 

As you in the blogosphere know, I am pursuing my certification from ACSM to become a personal trainer. My materials have arrived, I've looked over what they sent me, and I started reading. Page 4 of the very first chapter told me this:

  • "In 2007, only one state (Colorado) had obesity prevalence less than 20%" 1 state! 20%. We line up 100 people from Colorado, 20 of them will be obese! And this isn't even 'overweight'! 20 out of 100 people in Colorado have a BMI over 30. And that is the best we can do.
  • "Thirty states had obesity prevalence between 25% and 29% of the population, and three of these states had obesity prevalence greater than 30%"
  • "When one includes overweight in addition to obesity, an astonishing 66% of American adults and 32.1% of children are overweight or obese."
Astonishing is right. This is why I want to be a trainer. We can't continue to live in a society that cuts physical education for kids, that continues to just make things bigger instead of making people smaller, and that treats proper nutrition and education on nutrition as a threat to the economy! We all need to do our part in making us healthier. We need to take steps each and every day in this direction. My goal is to become as educated and informed as I can so that I can spread the message. My step today is this blog, and the studying I will do. It is a small step, but we can't get anywhere if we just sit there. Take your step today.

In Pursuit,


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