I started thinking about this while working on ideas for a blog on the happiness of Ness. There are lots of things that make me happy, but two big ones are running--always first in my life, and yoga. I enjoy all forms of exercise, and will try anything I can, but if I had to chose something to do for the rest of my life, running and yoga would be it. And at first I found it interesting that I have gravitated to two activities that are so solitary. I see myself as a fairly outgoing and friendly person, yet I chose to exercise alone. But when I really began thinking about it, I realized that I am anything but alone. I may head out the door at 5a.m. all by my lonesome, but I know which runners will be out there with me to exchange a 'good morning' or a simple head nod. And one of my favorite things about Milwaukee summers is the vast amount of people that are all sweating it out down by the lake, logging in the miles. And for me, there is nothing better than being at a race, surrounded by people who all have the same goal and have worked hard in similar manners to get there. We become one, our own sweaty community of runners.
Yoga is a little different for me. I practice sparingly at home (something I plan to do more of), but I take advantage of the opportunity to participate in a free class each week at Lululemon. This class is usually so full, we are lucky to get an inch of space between our mats. And I love it! When I think of my yoga practice, I turn inward--thinking about my meditation, my ability in poses, my intentions that I bring to the mat. But the energy in the room that is filled with 50 people all doing the same thing is so fulfilling, and, well, energizing!
My point in all of this; in contemplating my happy place, I found something bigger and better than I imagined. We are surrounded by communities. Not just geographically, but in every area of our life. We each belong with friends, family, faith, recreation, work, ideals, and even blogs. And while this can be a wonderful and awe inspiring thing to feel this sense of connectedness, it brings a level of responsibility to our life. What you do, how you act, and the decisions you make are all effecting at least one of your communities.
Use this thought to find your own happiness. Choose the communities you want to be a part of, and plant your own original, wonderful seeds of you! Whether it is big or small, the impact is already there. Embrace it and let it come back to you in your own pursuit of Ness.
In Pursuit,
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