P’Tah Morning Song
From the center of my being I give forth thanks
for the love that I am.
For the love in my life and the love that surrounds me, thank you.
Thank you for the miracle of life that I am, and thank you
for the miracle of life I see reflected all about me.
Thank you for the gift of life that I am.
Thank you for this perfect body, my health and well-being, thank you.
Thank you for the abundance that I am and thank you for the
abundance that I see reflected all about me.
Thank you for riches and the richness of my life
.Thank you for the excitement and adventure
of the millions of wondrous
possibilities and wondrous probabilities, thank you.
Thank you for the wonderment and thank you for the joy.
Thank you for the beauty and harmony.
Thank you for the peace and tranquility.
Thank you for the laughter and thank you for the play.
And thank you for the privilege of serving and sharing
the gift that I am.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Sing this song to your universe each day as you go forth to bathe your body.
As you stand beneath the delicious flow of water and your beautiful body is
warm and relaxed, the water is crystalline in property and is grandly
magnified. As you sing forth the words, of total abundance, you are in that
reality. And as you go forth in your day you carry with you the resonance,
the energy that knows no lack.In Pursuit,